Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Differences between Cushion Brilliant and Cushion Modified Brilliant Diamonds

Best Engagement Rings
Engagement Rings for Men and Women

No matter whether you shop for cushion diamonds online or at a local jeweler shop, it is important to pay attention to two important factors – the faceting and the length-width ratio. And while a majority of buyers go by their preferences regarding the shape of the diamond, most of them are not aware of the distinctive features of faceting in connection with cushion modified brilliant and cushion brilliant diamonds.

Pioneered by Marcel Tolkowsky, cushion brilliant cut diamonds are known to produce additional fire and sparkle just like the best engagement rings. They offer more sparkle when cut into a triangular shape. On the other hand, an authentic cushion cut diamond is cut with step facets; the elongated facets are put in rows resembling a mirrored staircase.

In terms of faceting arrangements, cushion brilliant diamonds resemble round brilliant cut diamonds. Its facets bear a resemblance with a star and extend from the centre of the diamond to the girdle. Generally, the facets are larger in size and have considerable similarity with the shape of a pillow or cushion. Apart from popularity, this also makes the diamonds one of the most sought-after items among shoppers.

Cushion modified brilliant diamonds, on the other hand, are a modified version of cushion brilliant diamonds. An additional row of facets beneath the girdle is what separates the former from the latter in the diamonds used on the engagement rings for men and women. With an extra row involving facets, it takes the shape of a flower. These diamonds display a brilliant sparkle which gives the impression of the ‘crushed ice’ or ‘sparkling water’.

Despite possessing a higher degree of sparkle, cushion modified brilliant diamonds are less-expensive than cushion brilliant diamonds. One of the chief reasons for it is its low demand.

Is there an option for you if you happen to be fond of the properties displayed by both? You will be delighted to know that the answer is ‘yes’. In recent years, diamond cutters have created a new technique which makes it possible to merge the characteristics of both the diamonds. Such diamonds are called hybrid cushion brilliants.

Comprising of four pavilion facets, that stretch toward the girdle right from the centre, these diamonds have identical characteristics with that of the cushion brilliant; however, they vary with regard to the facets. The additional facets are aimed at maximizing the sparkle and fire of the diamond. However, the top portion of the diamond involves a similar faceting to the brilliant round cut.

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