Monday, 5 February 2018

5 Useful Tips to Follow while Buying Marquise Cut Rings

Engagement Diamond Ring for Women
Engagement Diamond Ring for Women
Diamond rings with marquise cut are closely associated with modern designs. This constitutes one of the primary reasons why non-traditional couples tend to purchase it more frequently.
While buying an engagement diamond ring for women, most buyers choose the marquise cut because it gives a larger appearance to a diamond, compared to its actual size, by maximizing the carat weight. If you are a newbie, here are some important tips for you to follow.

1. The bow-tie effect                                                         
Taking note of the bow-tie effect in a diamond is one of the first and the foremost step while buying a diamond. A darkened area resembling a bow-tie may appear across the central part of a diamond due to misalignment of facets. When this happens, the light, instead of reflecting from the surface, moves out of the lower surface of a brilliant cut. As a result, it creates a dark area. If the bow-tie effect is noticeable on a diamond, you should not buy the ring.

2. Check out for chips
The pointed edges of a diamond with the marquise cut make it prone to chipping. With this in mind, you would be better off choosing a shape that offers protection to the diamond against chipping. Given the fact that the sharp points constitute a critical aspect of the cut, V-shaped prongs would be an ideal choice in this regard.

3. Symmetry
One of the highlights of the marquise cut is that it is symmetrical. Due to this feature, it is imperative to establish whether a given piece of diamond is symmetrical or not. When perfectly symmetrical, both the ends are in perfect alignment and both the sides mirror one another closely. This arrangement is necessary for a balanced look.

4. Color Preference
Diamonds are available in various colors – choose one depending on your individual preference. For a detailed information on grades of various diamonds, you could refer to the specifications mentioned by the GIA gradings.

5. The Size of Your finger
The marquise cut fits perfectly when worn around short fingers. If you have short fingers, it is an ideal option for you.

Lastly, an important point to remember with regard to the grading of the marquise cut is that it can come across as poor, fair, good, very good or excellent. Do not forget to make note of the aspects like the table, depth, girdle, length to width ratio, culet and pavilion depth before making your decision. Following these tips is your best bet for getting a fair deal while buying engagement diamond ring for women which consists of a marquise cut.

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